Monday, April 17, 2006

Premiere #12, Show #1

This Thursday will see the premiere of the first regular episode of DECLASSIFIED that we created: THE TET OFFENSIVE. It's an important show because it was the one on which we created the template for everything that came afterwards.

We were very lucky in terms of our interview subjects: it was really pretty stunning (as it always it) to hear from the troops who took the time to talk with us. It was a frightening story to work on because those guys really give you a sense of how bloody and desperate Hue and Khe Sanh were. We also had the luck to talk to Allan Wendt, who was actually in the US Embassy when the attack began: now that is a story. Two journalists, Jack Languuth and Don Oberdorfer, were tremendously helpful on this episode and our program about the Viet Cong.

Perhaps the most dizzying interview I got to do all year is the one that closes out this show: Daniel Ellsberg. My one regret about the series is that I never found the answer to his challenge: find out who leaked LBJ's troop increases to the NY Times.

This one was our first baby: I'm looking forward to sitting down and watching it with fresh eyes this Thursday, April 20.

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