Monday, February 27, 2006

DAM (fine) TV (satire)

Jeff Strong over at Discovery sent me an email to let me know that he was one of the three guys behind Ms. I Don’t Know How to View a Roughcut Lady, the very funny little Real Marketing Genius MP3 I posted a couple of days ago.

Jeff, along with his fellow artistes J.R. Soldano and Tyler Korba, produced that for an internal presentation for something called DAM TV -- which stands for Discovery Advertising and Marketing TV. " We can’t believe that they’ve found their way on the net...totally hilarious," Jeff wrote, "There are 6 of them in total..." And then he sent them to me...they're great!

Half of them apply to pretty much any corporate setting...and half are cable-specific...Enjoy! And again--thanks Jeff & JR & Tyler!

Regular bureaucracy according to DAM TV...
Mr. Waiting For the Conference Room Guy
Miss Small Talk in the Elevator Lady
Mr. Asking Us To Think Outside the Box Guy

Life in TV, according to DAM TV...
Ms. I Don’t Know How to View a Roughcut Lady
Mr. Cutting a Promo for a Lame Show Guy
Mr. Impossible Approval Man


Anonymous said...

These are absolutely brilliant John. I have now spread them throughout our office. Congrats on the renewal of the contract as well......


Anonymous said...

The most truthful 6 minutes of MP3 magic I have ever heard over the web. Bravo to the artists and to you for posting them.