Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yeah, but can it survive the L.A. Marathon?

In this case, maybe.

After destroying three cameras out on the road, I finally bought one of the Olympus Stylus sports's not as easy to handle as the others, but it should do the trick. We'll see how the video does: I'm going to do a microdoc about the event next week...26.2 on 5/'s hoping it's not 85 or 95....

Fish Cam ... testing the Olympus 1050 SW underwater from John Flynn on Vimeo.

Bonus feature: it composes panorama shots in the camera from three frames. Here's Kosh in the 10 Worlds Client Room....

Click on the image to see it full size!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quite amazing indeed.
I need a new one so let see if it survive the marathon.